Don't you wish we lived in a pun-less world where Taylors wouldn't go around making horrible jokes? I sure don't. I'd be out of a job.
~*~Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith~*~
Originality- 7/10
Characters- 16/20
Remembrance- 7/10
Setting- 17/20
Plot- 15/20
Ending- 8/10
Recommend To Read- 7/10
Total- 77/100
Grade- C(from B&N, naturally)
Are you predator or prey?
Quincie Morris has never felt more alone. Her parents are dead, and her hybrid-werewolf first love is threatening to embark on a rite of passage that will separate them forever. Then, as she and her uncle are about to unveil their hot vampire-themed restaurant, a brutal murder leaves them scrambling for a chef. Can Quincie transform their new hire into a culinary Dark Lord before opening night? Can he wow the crowd in his fake fangs, cheap cape, and red contact lenses - or is there more to this earnest face than meets the eye? As human and preternatural forces clash, a deadly love triangle forms, and the line between predator and prey begins to blur. Who's playing whom? And how long can Quincie play along before she loses everything?
I tried so very had to avoid this book. The fight lasted for a few months until--all of a sudden, of course--I had to do vampire reviews for this little site of mine... Anywho, I finally caved, and I'm sorta glad that I did. Naturally, I think that I hated the Dark Lord dude (whatshisface) from the start. And I was SO relieved when I found that I had reason to. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him *jabs him with a fire poker*. Hate him. I loved, gosh, his name is either Kieren or Kierlan. Let's go with Kieren. It sounds a bit more normal. Heck, lets just call him Joe. And the Dark Lord dude is Francis and Quincie is Mary-Sue. ...? No, let's go back to the original stuff. Kieren had reason to be all aloof and mysterious and the "I don't wanna kiss you cause I'll hurt you" crap. Heh, heh. I just loved the parts when there was a wereopossum and werearmadillo. It was ridiculous. I mean, who is going to be afraid of a were who just plays dead or curls up into a ball? Seriously? Whatever, it's your book. *shrugs* But they seemed to be hanging with a mighty tough crowd, being the opossum and 'dillo that they are. I disliked Quincie alot through the book. She's cuckoo, I swear. And so is that friggin uncle of hers. Screwed up family much? Yeah, that isn't much of an understatement. But the thing that really grinded my gears was the fact that this book was another one of those "THE ALMIGHTY VAMPIRE DUDE WANTS YOU! HE MUST HAVE YOU!" So he pulls tricks that you won't get till later, and it's stupid, man, it's STUPID. But for some reason, I still liked the book... Seriously, though, can't the vampire just charm his way to the girl? Not trick her and strap her to a cot down in the basement of some house/manor/mansion/thingamabob. Not that that happens of course... this was in the hypothetical sense. Hey, what can I say? I have an overreactive imagination. Sorrrryyyy~! For tricking you into thinking that is what happens, because it is so not! Moving on. So, if you are the slightest bit of crazy (admit it. all book reviewers/readers are.) then you need to read this book. Especially if you want to get into a new series.
Your God is Too Boring by Jon Leonetti
9 years ago
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